
I decided to do some more ‘nesting’ today. Daniel has been busy working on his job application most of the weekend so I have been busy in B’s room. I finally dismantled the spare bed yesterday and have put bed ends in new shed (wrapped in an old doona-cover for protection). The slat base is outside on the verandah behind the outside couch and I’ve had to leave the mattress in B’s room for now. I’ve left the port-a-cot together and put some of my favourite bears in there so it’s really starting to look like a baby’s room now.

I also went shopping today and bought some essentials from Big W. Bought a huge box of 144 disposable nappies, some baby-wipes and 12 cloth nappies. One step at a time we’re getting there. We’re also keeping an eye on some items on ebay at the moment as there looks like some good bargains can be found there.